If I can… I will…


If God gifted me a piece of life
I will surely be happy, definitely glad
this time around, I’ll do my very best at everything
I d rather think of all that I’ll say
than say all that I could think
I will listen when others talk, walk when others hold back
I will value things not for their worth
but for what they mean to me
I will sleep a little, and then wish that I could dream more
realizing that every minute I close my eyes
I will lose 60 seconds of light, of life, and all other things

If God granted me a piece of life again
I will share my gladness to others, make people happy
make them smile, make more friends  and reconcile things with my enemies
Id rather spread my love than keep a hate inside towards people
for I then knew that love is a key to feel that genuine happiness

If God gave me a piece of all knowledge, I will teach others
I will teach them what is right, just and all the more of it
to a child, I shall give wings, then will let them fly on their own
for their real teach are their experiences
it really takes some courage to do it once
to free-fall on a test, and learn a lesson afterwards
uncertainty is an improbable freedom

If God bestowed me some of his strength
I will surely move a mountain
and make people see that I am not weak
that I’m not fragile, pathetic
and if I really have that power
I’ll burrow and make oceans & a sea
so the world can recognize me and believe in my God
if I can just reach the stars, detain the winds
freeze the time, pull the sun, count every falling leaf of this autumn
… If I can, I will.

If God gave me another life
I’ll soar high, as high as your naked eyes cant see
make them cheer, make them proudest of me
to my comrades and to those whose dragging me down
my gratitude are all for you, Coz you’ve made me realize that life was hard
and I needed to be tougher

for those people who’ve been beside me, Thank you!
who’re there pushing me when life was pulling me down
those who lifts and raises my spirit up
when fear is in its heights that kept lowering my drive
thank you for always cheering me up when I’m simply sad
for encouraging me when I’m losing my hope
for daubing my tears away, for lending a hand when I fall
and for making all your shoulders,  my HOME

for it drives me and to keep going
for it challenge me to overcome the hoards of “giving up”
for bringing out the best of whatever I can give
for letting me make a step of faith to pull off the peak
and for giving a reason, all the more reasons to believe in myself

If God gifted me a piece of life
I’ll love further, deep-heartedly
much way selfless, though I know that it is something so hard give
to think and feel more positive
to not expect something back, to just give it out
and let its own path finds me in a more blissful, surprisingly, unexpected way

When I’m dying, closing my eyes will be my final option
just in time, when God finally takes my life
I will let mine pass, wither before anything else
for I knew that in dying, I can live once again…
I’m just too uncertain that it’ll find me once more…

If God is really there, I would know that things will all in its better place
fixed in time, surreality is just next to nothing
If God permites me to watch and guide people, specially my loved ones
I will all try to lead them along the way
In sadness and in happiness, in grief and in gladness
good times and the roughest moments.. I will be at their side.

If I can, I all will..


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